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@/Arpro 6.2 Executable Files (patch 23, date Jannuary 30, 2023) 

These files can be installed only to users who already have installed the version 6.2. They must be downloaded and copied to the \ArproW folder on each computer. This section is dedicated to partial and manual updates 6.2

Updating @/Arpro Program

@/Arpro Update Program
[ from @/Arpro 6.1 to @/Arpro 6.2 ]

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Reports“: the contents of the compressed file will be copied on the server station’s folder \ArproW\Condivisa\Stampe_Us
Images“: the contents of the compressed file will be copied on the server station’s folder \ArproW\Immagini
Dizionari” and “DocTransf”: the database files must be decompressed and copied on the server station’s folder \ArproW\Altro. They must first be detached from the “SQL Management” and then attached manually.

Update Software arpro

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Pdf Creator in Arpro

Driver used to generate print previews of customized modules (Setting Modules), to manage email automations.


Highlights of software programs

Data Backup

In the program there is a manual function for saving all of the data management of the program on the server platform. During this phase, all operators must be signed out of the @/Arpro programs; the folder provided to accommodate the data is on the server in the following location: \ArproW\Condivisa\Temp.

This takes time to run so we recommend performing it during work breaks; in any case it is strongly recommended to use a program to back up the data that is certified by Microsoft® for SQL Server®.

Please refer to the documentation that came with the specific program for data backup and as indicated by the manufacturer of Microsoft SQL Server® (www.microsoft.com). There is a specific lesson in both English and in Spanish, for the manual data saving operations.

New Year Software, Year End

Procedures for New Year

The creation of the archives for the “New Year” is a driven transaction and is mandatory for the active management of the accounts for the year to come. It should be performed at the end of the year or early in New Year. Creating the new archives doesn’t mean closing the previous year, it is possible to work simultaneously on two years.
From the @/Arpro Accounts menu, choose the Year-End Procedures – Create New Year – then press the button on the toolbar “New Year”. The year created will be automatically set as the default.
The program prompts you to save the values ​​of the warehouse inventory: by confirming the request you can save the inventory and also at a later date, while continuing to move the warehouse articles.
In the window menu there are 2 options: actual values ​​(those currently available) or initial values ​​(those stored during the creation of the New Year). Please consult the user manual of the @/Arpro program.

Conditions of use

The use of this webpage implies the acceptance and observance of the End User License Agreement for @/Arpro products. The partial or total loss of data due to incorrect or improper use of these programs or to the instructions for the upgrade, as well as the possible failure of the latter, cannot be considered in any way damage to the end-user company, which instead may request within a normal time and the modes of execution, the replacement of the upgrade program with a working version.
The end-user must periodically save the data of the program: this is a mandatory operation before the execution of this update process for the eventual restoration of data in case of operation failure.

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